WHY GIVE? Because of support from Wolverines like you,
in 2022 the Woodland Hills Foundation will:

Award $16,700 in scholarships to Woodland Hills Seniors
We also introduced our new Education Series, offering expert assistance and advice to seniors applying to college as well as scholarships, student loans and more!

Offer safe, fun and free (or low-cost) family-fun and community outreach events to families in Woodland Hills!
From Trunk or Treat to the Harlem Wizards to in-classroom support for teachers, H.U.G.S. support lets our children know that their community is invested in their potential.

Provide tools and grants for teachers and classrooms in Woodland Hills
Our Dream Book and Mini Grant programs offer support for teachers' innovative ideas when there isn't money available in the District's budget. Without this funding, some of the students and families favorite programs might not exist.
Click here to learn more about Mini-Grants

Provide much-needed support for special projects in the District.
We pride ourselves on answering the call when needed! When principals, staff and teachers have an immediate fundraising or volunteer need, or need for social media support, the Foundation is here to help, even when the need doesn't fit into our typical programming. We assist the District in countless ways throughout the year.

Dear Fellow Alumni, Parents, Families and Friends,
I come from a Pittsburgh family but growing up, I had only really spent summers in Pittsburgh until we moved just in time for me to attend and graduate from Woody High. As a newbie, I found myself embraced by a wonderful community where I was able to play sports and participate in a variety of creative and interesting academic courses from the arts to the sciences with supportive teachers, coaches, teammates, and lifelong friends.
When I joined the Woodland Hills Foundation Alumni Network (WHFAN) page on Facebook, I was excited to see some familiar faces, but also to see everything new going on in the district. This winter, the Woodland Hills Foundation announced the Alumni Scholarship Fund, and I knew I wanted to be a part of it. In fact, I made a monthly recurring donation so that it would have the biggest possible impact! I know that 100% of my donation will go directly towards funding scholarships for students in Woodland Hills and I am so happy to be able to give back to the school that embraced and supported me during my high school years.

I hope you remember that same open-armed support system too. That’s why I am asking you—many of whom walked these same halls or have children that do—to join me in helping the Foundation reach its goal. The money raised will directly support students and teachers right here in Woodland Hills. It’s so important for us as a community—as the Village of Woodland Hills—to not only support scholarships for our students, but also grants for our teachers for special projects that would otherwise not be funded; from free special events that help shape the culture of the school like Six Feet Trick or Treat to special projects like Backpacks of Hope which provides weekend backpacks filled with food to students dealing with food insecurity; and so much more.The Wolverine Way Challenge is counting on all of us to compete to raise support towards their $50,000 goal. I hope you’ll join me in demonstrating to every student, every teacher, every coach and staff member, that your time in Woodland Hills made a difference in your life. And that today, their success matters to you. After all, that’s the Wolverine Way!
Leslie Fischbeck, Class of ‘98