What is a Mini-Grant?
Mini-Grants are modest cash awards that help educators make a positive difference in the learning experience of their students. More importantly, Mini-Grants support, encourage, and facilitate great teaching ideas. Since 2002, the Woodland Hills Foundation has funded 200 Mini-Grants totaling over $115,000.
The focus of the Mini-Grants is to encourage innovative teaching ideas. As such, the focus of these grants should not be to purchase equipment (e.g. iPads), but rather the idea aimed at improving the learning environment for the student. The Foundation understands that grant requests may include equipment or software, but these requests will only be considered within the context of the original, innovative teaching idea.
Who can apply for a Mini-Grant?
Any member of Woodland Hills School District’s instructional or professional staff, e.g. teachers, counselors, librarians, nurses, is eligible to apply for a Mini-Grant.
How to apply for a Mini-Grant?
The application process is short and straightforward. Complete the application on our Teacher Resources Page and submit via email.
For any questions or concerns please contact: Kathleen
Clear articulation of a good original teaching idea, along with its expected impact, are the basis of a successful application. Pre-approval by applicant’s principal is required for all proposed projects.
2024 Mini-Grant Application
Mini-Grant Applications are now OPEN. The DEADLINE to apply is TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2024.
Questions? Email Jennifer Trehar
Frequently Asked Questions...
How are grants selected and approved for funding?
The Woodland Hills Foundation puts together a Selection Committee comprised of community representatives and WHF board members. Awards are based on those grants judged as having the best overall quality, innovation of the idea, and the projected impact of the grant as presented in the proposal. The number of grants made is also influenced by the funds the WHF raises for the Mini-Grant Program. Decisions are typically announced in early December but you should check the Teacher Resource Page for more info.
What happens after a Mini-Grant is awarded?
The awardee signs a Mini-Grant Agreement form, and then WHF issues a grant check directly to him or her. Awardees must complete their projects by the end of the current school year and then submit an Expense Report (including receipts for all expenditures) and a simple Project Report (typically with a few photos and/or samples of student work). Any undocumented funds or any unspent balance of the grant must be returned to the WHF to be used towards future Mini-Grants.
Who can answer questions about Mini-Grants?
Kathleen may be contacted at kathleen.whfoundation@gmail.com or Mary may be contacted at mary.whfoundation@gmail.com; and both would be happy to answer any questions about Mini-Grants and the application process.
2023-2024 Mini-Grant Recipients:
Third Grade Creative Writing and Storytelling
Jessica Stover
Turtle Creek Elementary STEAM Academy
Bubbling for Books
Sara Kennedy
Turtle Creek Elementary STEAM Academy
2022-2023 Mini-Grant Recipients:
Math Monday Mania
William Wilson
Edgewood Elementary STEAM Academy
Cozy and Comfy Classroom Corner
Kelly Lucas
Edgewood Elementary STEAM Academy
Character Carnival
Jaelyn Andrechak
Turtle Creek Elementary STEAM Academy
2021-2022 Mini-Grant Recipients:
Sensory Pathways
Desiree White-Price
Edgewood Elementary STEAM Academy
STEAM Exploration Library
Megan Mathieu and Michelle Sperduto
Wilkins Elementary STEAM Academy
Cuddle Up with a Good Book
Bethany Morse and Claudine Bagwell
Turtle Creek Elementary STEAM Academy
2019-2020 Mini-Grant Recipients:
Puerto Rican Heritage Day
Susan Tanski
WH High School
Incorporating Mindfulness and a “Peace Corner” in the Classroom
Emily Beitler and Nicole King
WH Intermediate School
Coffee Cart Business Start-Up
Stacy Estatico, Jen Barna and Sean Willson
WH Intermediate
Family Science Night
Rochelle Seigfreid and Becky Zanic
Turtle Creek Elementary STEAM Academy
Grade 4th and 5th Science Fair
Allison Forgie and Jamie Welch
Turtle Creek Elementary STEAM Academy
On the Right Track- Girl on the Run
Allison Borts, Jenah Muhammad, Ashley Mittica and Julie Burns
Edgewood Elementary STEAM Academy
The Very Merry Month of Mo!
Claudine Bagwell, Bethany Morse, Emily Kunkle and Jessica Stover
Turtle Creek Elementary STEAM Academy
Lunch and Learn Book Club
Lisa Brand,Mary Gleason, Emily Hall and Mirabai Kasecky
Edgewood Elementary STEAM Academy
Color ‘Till You’re Cool
Beth Wagner and Erin Muffi
Edgewood Elementary STEAM Academy/Wilkins Elementary STEAM Academy